We empower some of the world’s biggest brands
Coffee shop
Ice cream parolor

Flexible staff scheduling

Is the weather changing? Are you expecting more guests than usual? With Dyflexis you can anticipate and adjust whenever you want. Employees will be notified when a schedule has been changed. By this, you prevent understaffing and get the best out of your workforce.

The right people at the right place

In hospitality its vital to have the right people at the right place. Think of an emergency response qualification or someone who is qualified to open and close. With Dyflexis, you can easily assign labels to employees. For each type of label, you can specify a daily requirement. You will be notified if the planning does not meet these requirements.

We build this beauty for hospitality

While you are welcoming new guests, you do not have a clear view of when your staff is arriving or leaving. The Rex-O-Matic NOA, our clocking system, allows you to register your staff’s working hours swiftly and easily. Employees clock in and out using a personal identification card or tag. The time registration overview shows the overtime status and offers you the choice of whether to pay out overtime or to grant comp time.

Staff planning app hospitality sector

Your employees can always access the work schedules in our Dyflexis app (Android and iOS). They can also respond to open shifts, after which you can make a selection from the registered employees. In addition, your employees have insight into their balances and can swap shifts. Naturally not without your permission, so you stay in control of the schedule at all times.

Calculate and see your benefit immediately

With our calculator, you can easily and quickly calculate how many euros you will save by using Dyflexis. The tool shows you the savings potential based on your industry, FTE and hourly wage, among other factors. You can also receive an extensive report including a brochure. Don’t wait any longer and use the calculator. Calculate your benefit and anticipate immediately!

Insight into your personnel costs

The management dashboards and reports provide insight into the personnel costs of your hospitality business. The reports enable you to compare the scheduled and actual hours worked / personnel costs by employee, department and location over a period of your choice. The dashboard displays your company’s expected and planned revenue, personnel costs, workforce and productivity.

Integrate with your payroll software

The times registered in Dyflexis can be sent to your payroll administration system at the press of a button. This means that it is no longer necessary to calculate the number of hours by hand and communicate this to your bookkeeper. One push of a button suffices, it is as simple as that.